Modern Workplace Conference Paris 2022
Par Loïc Cimon, le 17 janvier 2022
Le Modern Workplace Conference Paris a eu lieu du 24 au 26 janvier 2022. J’y ai animé une session sur les solutions Power Platform.
In the same spririt as previous international conferences organized in Paris by French speaking community around Microsoft Collaborative platform, we are thrilled to invite you at Modern Workplace Conference Paris 2022.
This community event is all about sharing knowledge and passion around Modern Workplace usages:
- Communication
- Collaboration
- Business processes
- Document and Knowledge management
- Personal Productivity and Experience
- Adoption and Governance
- Security and Compliance
with the following technologies:
- Microsoft 365 & Office 365
- Microsoft Teams, SharePoint and OneDrive, Exchange and Outlook
- Microsoft Viva : Topics, Insights, Learning, Connexion
- Power Platform : Power BI, Power Automate, Power Apps, Power Virtual Agent
- And all other Office 365 services: Sway, Stream, Office online, To-Do, Forms, Delve, Planner, Yammer…
and any other related products and technologies.
100 international speakers will present latest news.
Organization is fully supported by aMS Community, with an experienced organization team, with more than 50+ events organized already in the past 5 years. We are fully dedicated to make this event and amazing experience.
Démystifier les solutions Power Platform
🎙️ A travers un cas pratique, il s’agit de démystifier les solutions, leurs usages et fonctionnements. Des fondamentaux : Qu’est-ce qu’une solution ? Pourquoi devrais-je l’utiliser ? En passant par une revue des types solutions (Managée / Non Managées) et le fonctionnement du système de couches. Jusqu’à la création et l’application de nouvelles versions et patchs.
Le replay de cette session est disponible ici.